Warning, this list is not for the faint of heart! Turn back now if you are squeamish, or have just had your lunch. Otherwise, if you are looking for the grossest list of Would You Rather questions on the internet, you have found the right place.
Would You Rather questions are a great way to break the ice in remote meetings. This list in particular is designed to gross people out. Feel free to ask people in your team one of these gross questions to get them out of their comfort zone. Great for icebreaking and having a laugh.
For an endless list of questions that you can play with your friends anywhere in the world, make sure to check out Brightful Meeting Games. It's a great way to have fun while stretching your imagination!
Here’s a list of 49 Gross Would You Rather Questions, guaranteed to make you feel a little bit sick!

Want to play gross Would You Rather with your friends online? Brightful has 1,000+ unique and funny scenarios for you to try. Simply host a game and share the invite link with friends. It's the easiest and funnest way to play Would You Rather!
Best of all, it's completely free!
1. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
Either your dentist or hairdresser will be appalled
2. Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
Eww who smells?
3. Would you rather have to shave your head or to have your nose pierced?
Why not both?
4. Would you rather be extremely allergic to your favorite food or forced to eat your least favourite food once a week?
I can't say goodbye to my favorites
5. Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog?
Do you have a fear of public speaking?
6. Would you rather constantly worry about germs or be terrified of a monster under your bed?
Germaphobe or Night terrors?
7. Would you rather never get tired or never have to go to the bathroom?
Think of all the time you would save either way
8. Would you rather be the ugliest person in the world or smell the worst?
Love is blind, right?
9. Would you rather have no thumbs or no fingers?
It would be hard to use my smartphone either way
10. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?
Whoever smelt it, dealt it!
11. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
It's tiring just thinking about it
12. Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your butt cheeks pierced?
Both would hurt like crazy!

13. Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or go a year with no eyebrows?
Which would look less silly?
14. Would you rather never be able to shower again or not be able to shave your legs?
Stinky and smooth or clean and hairy?
15. Would you rather have a huge booger hanging out of your nose for the rest of your life or a pimple on your forehead for the rest of your life?
Argh both would look so ridiculous
16. Would you rather be smacked in the face with a fish or farted on?
Both would wake you up for sure
17. Would you rather grow a ponytail down to your ankles or have a huge Adam's apple?
18. Would you rather be someone’s pet goldfish or a wild lizard?
Well, I do already have a short attention span...

Brightful Meeting Games is completely free!
Something that's definitely not gross (in fact it's quite pretty) is Brightful Meeting Games. It's a free way to play these type of question games (and more) with anyone online. No downloads or installations required, and it's completely free! Give it a go today.
19. Would you rather poop in the only toilet at a party knowing that you'll clog it or poop in the bushes in the backyard?
I'm shaking with embarrassment just thinking about this scenario
20. Would you rather have no body hair or no head hair (including eyebrows)?
I think I would get cold either way
21. Would you rather go through your whole life with one nostril or one ear?
That would look very silly
22. Would you rather kiss a toad or get bit by a rattlesnake?
Slimy or painful
23. Would you rather lose the ability to pee or poop?
Number 1 or Number 2?
24. Would you rather never say "damn" again or never fart again?
I kind of like farting
25. Would you rather smell really bad or have really bad taste in music?
It would be hard to make friends either way
26. Would you rather wake up in the morning to find everyone in your family naked or wake up in front of your family completely naked?
I don't want that image in my head!
27. Would you rather only be able to eat healthy foods or only eat junk food?
A hard choice, actually
28. Would you rather live in a house with five million cockroaches or a house with five million flies?
I can't even begin to imagine how that would look like
29. Would you rather go a year with only one nostril or go a year with only one earlobe?
You'd look pretty funny
30. Would you rather have a giant pimple on your nose for the rest of your life or be scared of everything?
What if I'm scared of pimples...
31. Would you rather lick your own dirty underwear or lick your own dirty socks?
I can just taste it already
32. Would you rather have all your clothes covered in skunk smell or all your shoes filled with cow dung?
I wonder what would smell worse
33. Would you rather eat a chunk of hair or drink a glass of sweat?
34. Would you rather sniff a dog's butt or eat a bowl of dog food?
I guess there's only one way to find out...
35. Would you rather have all your teeth fall out or have all your toenails fall out?
Would it hurt?
36. Would you rather eat a moldy dead rat or drink a whole bottle of poison?
Both options are disgusting
37. Would you rather have your eyes open or closed for the rest of your life?
Tough choice
38. Would you rather have baby vomit on you or vomit on a baby?
39. Would you rather be forced to eat peanut butter for the rest of your life or forced to eat egg yolks for the rest of your life?
Good protein either way
40. Would you rather sniff 10 dirty diapers or lick 1 dirty diapers?
Either way - poop.
41. Would you rather have a hundred roaches in your pants or in your hair?
Ugh, I can feel them crawling

42. Would you rather have a dozen cockroaches run over your hands or run over your legs?
I hate cockroaches
43. Would you rather have to walk to work through a mile of mud or have to walk home from work through a mile of snow?
Dirty or cold
44. Would you rather have to use a public toilet when you’ve got diarrhea or have someone with diarrhea use your toilet?
Oh boy
45. Would you rather sniff someone else's sweaty armpit or have someone sniff your sweaty armpit?
Embarrassing either way
46. Would you rather have to eat a live cockroach or drink a glass of milk that was expired three days ago?
47. Would you rather go a year with no hair or go a year with no fingernails?
Time for a hairstyle change?
48. Would you rather be constipated every day for a year or be farting every day for a year?
Keep it in, or keep it out?
49. Would you rather smell the hood of a porta potty or smell the backside of a cat?
Either way - poop
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